condensation on new windows

Why Do My Windows Steam Up On The Outside? Understanding Condensation on New Windows

The type of glass used in your windows can also affect how much they fog up. Modern double glazing typically features a sealed unit with two panes of glass. The space between the panes is filled with a gas such as argon, which doesn’t conduct heat as well as air. This reduces heat loss and makes your home more energy-efficient. However, it can also lead to differences in temperature between the inside and outside of the window, causing condensation to form.

The steam that is left on the glass can cause stains over time. Read more about stains here!

condensation on new windows

Differences in Temperature and How They Lead to Condensation

So, why do some windows fog up more than others? The answer lies in the insulating properties of the gas used to fill the space between the panes. Windows filled with argon gas are common, but they can have problems over time. Argon gas can leak out, reducing its insulating properties and leading to increased condensation.

The Potential Problems of Argon Leakage and Reduced Energy Efficiency

If you’re experiencing condensation on your new windows, there are a few things you can do to minimize it. Make sure your home is well-ventilated to allow moisture to escape. You can also invest in a dehumidifier to reduce the amount of moisture in the air.

The Benefits of a Dehumidifier

But what about argon-filled windows problems? While argon is an effective insulator, it can leak out over time, reducing its insulating properties. This can lead to increased condensation and reduced energy efficiency. Some experts recommend upgrading to windows filled with krypton gas instead. Krypton is more expensive than argon, but it’s a better insulator, making it a popular choice

condensation on new windows

The Higher Cost of Krypton

When it comes to argon vs. krypton gas in windows, krypton is the clear winner in terms of insulating properties. Krypton is a denser gas than argon, which means it conducts less heat and is a better insulator. This makes it ideal for windows in extreme climates, where the difference in temperature between the inside and outside of the window is greatest. However, krypton gas is also more expensive than argon, which can be a drawback for some homeowners.

Modern buildings can afford the higher cost of glazing. To find out more about new building trends check here!

In conclusion, condensation on new windows is a common problem that can be caused by differences in temperature and the type of gas used to fill the space between the panes of glass. While argon is a common choice for double-glazed windows, it can have problems over time, such as leakage and reduced energy efficiency. Krypton gas is a better insulator but comes at a higher cost. If you’re experiencing condensation on your windows, consider investing in a dehumidifier or upgrading to windows filled with krypton gas for better insulation and energy efficiency.

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